John Cena Ex-girlfriend Reveals How She Was Raped Twice In High School


photo of Nicki bella
Nicki Bella

In a book written by WWE star and her twin sister Brie Bella, John Cena long time ex-girlfriend, Nicki Briella revealed how she was first attacked at the age of 15 by a fellow student she considered a friend.
According to the US Weekly, she narrated: “My virginity was stolen from me, without my consent.
I was raped, by a guy I thought was a friend, while I was passed out at a party. I’d had too many beers, and maybe some shots of hard alcohol, and I only woke up because my stomach hurt — I came to, and this guy was both on top of me and inside of me. I pushed him off and ran out of the room — he followed me down the hall and asked me if this meant we were now boyfriend/ girlfriend … I had never even seen a penis, yet I was no longer a virgin.”

Then, at age 16, She was drugged and raped again by sh college-aged man, People reports.

“There is the horrible offense in the moment, and then the shame and blame that follow, and feel almost worse than the original pain,” she writes. “When something like this happens to you, you understand the blame-the-victim mentality, how easy it is to feel shame rather than anger, how easy it is to feel like you could have stopped it yourself.”

The 36-year-old WWE champion says she blamed herself and in turn kept all that happened a secret.
“And keeping that a secret and blaming myself, I started to lose my confidence,” she writes. “I started to disrespect myself. And then the relationships I got into at a young age, I let other people disrespect me and felt like, that’s okay, this is what I deserved.”
In a bid to get her confidence back and cope with the struggles of a rape victim, the “Total Bellas” star went "in and out" of therapy but wishes she had opened up about her past long time ago to help her “let go.”
The #MeTooMovement and her platform as a WWE star helped her come to terms with speaking up.
“I feel like, if I’m having these younger women look up to me, maybe I can help them and have them not hold onto this as long as I did,” she says in the book. “It wasn’t until I was 28 and in a relationship where someone started to teach me how to respect myself. That’s how long I held on to things and felt I had no boundaries.”

Nikki was one time girlfriend of the popular wrestling pro,John Cena. They both dated till around April 2018 when they went on their seperate ways after a failed engagement.
Now with Artem Chigvinstev, The mom-to-be, says she always admired her twin sister Brie for always setting boundaries treating herself with “such respect.”
“How do I not have this?'” she says she’d ask herself. “And I knew why. But I held onto it for so long. When I look back at just decisions I made based off of it, I wish I could have heard my words now as a 36-year-old woman then, and be like, ‘You’re going to be okay.'



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The College Students: John Cena Ex-girlfriend Reveals How She Was Raped Twice In High School
John Cena Ex-girlfriend Reveals How She Was Raped Twice In High School
Nicki Bella revealed how she was raped twice back in high school
The College Students
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