The quarantine has posed a great challenge to many sectors including the educational sector. the need for schools to compulsorily go into lock down and both teachers and students to stay home to prevent the spread of coronavirus has caused a bit of chaos on its own. As colleges have had to find ways to continue with the school year, the biggest decisions are to be taken by the professors. Majority have moved their classes online either by hosting a live video classes or uploading a prerecorded clips to where students can get access to them. few have decided to strike out classes and canceled the finals altogether.
regardless of whatever method the professors have chosen, Melissa Wong reminds other lecturers to never lose their humanity. The college professor emphasized the importance of being humane no matter what after receiving a mail from her student who caught the covid-19 virus. She took to twitter to share the content of the mail her student sent her, how she responded and how other lecturers should respond when they get similar e-mails from their student:
Recently, a college professor shared a script suggesting how to treat emails of students that are sick with the COVID-19.
She made it clear in her words, the most important thing a lecturer can do during this trying time is to be a human first.
Her message hit home as many other professors and students in turn responded to her sharing how they have been showing compassion to each other.
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